Tower Hamlets

Free help to
quit smoking

Swap to Stop With Quit Right Tower Hamlets

Sign up for a free vape kit bundle and support. If you have tried all other methods of stopping smoking without success, claim your free vape kit bundle with free 8 weeks behavioural support from Quit Right Tower Hamlets to increase your chance of quitting cigarettes.

What works for you

We offer a range of treatments to help you quit smoking

Get help from our professional to cope with smoking cessation. The process can be difficult initially, but there are some tools to ease the mental and physical withdrawal symptoms you might face.

Reasons for Quitting

Quitting smoking can be the best decision you’ve ever made, for yourself and your health.

Treatment Programme

We offer a variety of treatment programmes to help you quit the habit for good and become smoke-free.

Smoking & Pregnancy

Pregnant smokers harm the health of their unborn baby. Let’s help you quit smoking for good.

Andrew Gwynne MP (Public Health Minister)

‘You are transforming lives. When people give up smoking, the health benefits are almost immediate’ 

That was the message from the recently appointed Health Minister Andrew Gwynne. His first official visit in post was to QMUL Stop Smoking service where he met the brilliant staff who are helping smokers to quit smoking for good.

Reasons for Quitting

Quitting smoking can be the best decision you’ve ever made, for yourself and your health.

Treatment Programme

We offer a variety of treatment programmes to help you quit the habit for good and become smoke-free.

Smoking & Pregnancy

Pregnant smokers harm the health of their unborn baby. Let’s help you quit smoking for good.

Quitting Smoking
Couldn’t Be Easier

We’re here to help you quit smoking for good. Our success rate is very high, and we’ve helped hundreds of people on their journey to a smoke-free life.

Our Success Rate


Feel Better within 1 Week


Never Go Back to Smoking

You can quit smoking too!

“Smoking is a leading cause of preventable deaths, and it is the single largest driver of health inequalities. In Tower Hamlets, we are committed to tackling health inequalities caused by smoking, reducing the prevalence of smoking and supporting people to quit and to live healthier and happier lives.

We would encourage people who live, work or study in Tower Hamlets who are thinking about quitting to get in touch with Quit Right. You’re three times more likely to quit successfully with expert help. Together, we can make Tower Hamlets a smoke-free community!”

Dr Somen Banerjee

Director of Public Health

Tower Hamlets Council


Smoke-free since 2019


Smoke-free since 2017


Smoke-free since 2019


Smoke-free since 2017

Treaments Available

We’re here to help

After a specialist consultation with one of our advisors, we can help find a treatment option that is right for you; making it even easier to quit smoking and beat the cravings.


E-cigs are a good alternative to beating smoking cigarettes. Switching from smoking to e-cigarette use (vaping) reduces the risks of smoking by at least 95%.


Nicotine Replacement Therapy

Nicotine replacement therapies (NRT), include patches, gum, lozenges, micro tabs, inhalators and nasal sprays to help you quit smoking.

Savings Calculator

Total savings if you quit

If you smoke 20 cigarettes a day


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

Case Study:

How Shahajahan Quit

After a specialist consultation with one of our advisors, we can help find a treatment option that is right for you; making it even easier to quit smoking and beat the cravings.

How To Quit Smoking, Tips For Success

How to Quit Smoking While You’re Pregnant

The Harmful Effects of Years of Smoking

Free Consultation

If you’re ready to quit smoking and want to speak to one of our advisors, get in touch today.


What Our Client’s Say

“I have smoked for 27 yrs. My GP referred me at my request. QuitRight TH helped a great deal through being consistently supportive and offering guidance.”


“I would give this message to people in a similar position – life is precious even though they are labelled with Mental Health they need to consider the effects of smoking on mental health and their body. There are services available to help people like me.”


“With QuitRight’s help I manage to kick a very horrible habit that was effecting my health and my financial situation.”


Speak to an advisor today

Our specialist tobacco cessation advisors are ready to help you quit smoking. We offer advice and a treatment programme at no-cost to you.